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雷觉文 Raymond Lei

雷觉文 (Raymond Lei)

IDP武汉  英美高级顾问  英国、美国,高中、本科、研究生申请

工作感言:留学服务是一项需要用心去服务的工作,家长与学生选择了他,就是把孩子的未来托付给了他,需要用爱心,细心以及耐心去为孩子们的未来铸造一块有份量的敲门砖。看到学生收到录取通知时的喜悦,觉得家长与他的努力都是值得的。 更多


专栏 2016-03-08 13:24:32



l  护理专业主要培养具备人文社科、医学、预防保健知识、护理管理、护理教学和护理科研的高级专门人才。

l  护理专业学生主要学习相关的人文社会的科学知识和基础医学、预防保健的基本理论、基本知识和临床护理技能的培训,具有对服务对象实施整体护理系社区健康服务的基本能力。


l  绝大多数的院校都会在学习过程中给学生提供到医院实习的机会,以确保学生在学习期间接受实际工作能力的培训,毕业后能马上适应工作环境。英国的护理专业人员紧缺,为招聘合格的外籍护理专业人员,英国卫生部推出了《从业规范》,对外籍护士的专业技能和语言方面都有一定的要求。如果想在英国从事护理或助产士的工作,必须先通过英国护士和助产士理事会三到六个月的临床督导实习的考核,学习英国相关法律法规、道德规范、病情记录、药剂管理等方面的知识,获得英国注册护士资格后才能在英国医疗机构工作


l     英国本科课程

英国绝大多数大学都提供护理专业的课程。其专业主要分为:普通护理专业general nursing,精神健康护理专业mental health nursing,残疾护理专业learning disabilities nursing,儿童护理专业children nursing,和产科护理专业midwifery。绝大多数的院校在学习过程中,都提供医院实习。英国本科课程学制3年,学费在10万-15万人民币不等。通常要求学生雅思6.5,主要集中在每年9月入学。

l    英国硕士研究生课程


l    单纯学习英国护理的职业培训课程(NVQ)

NVQ (National Vocational Qualification国家职业资格证书)。这是与特定就业岗位工作相关的实习资格证书,由雇主、工会和专业机构共同设置这些资格证书的标准。每一级证书都以实际操作能力为基础,并不限制获得相应级别所需的时间。英国的寄宿学校、应试辅导学院和延续教育学院多开设此类课程。其特点就是实际工作能力培训,可以使学生短期内达到英国医疗机构的工作要求。属于非学历类文凭。



MSc in Global Health Science


Challenges in Global Health

Health Policy and Public Health

Statistical Concepts for Global Health

Principles of Epidemiology


Health Economics


Tropical Medicine

International Development

Maternal and Child Health

Health Environment and Development

入学要求:Within equal opportunities principles and legislation, applications will be assessed in the light of a candidate’s ability to meet the following criteria:

Proven and potential academic excellence

This course is open to medical and non-medical graduates. Non-medical applicants generally have degrees in a quantitative science or a health-related area. Applicants are normally expected to be predicted or to have achieved a first-class or an upper second class honours undergraduate degree(or equivalent international qualifications1)For applicants with a degree from the USA, the minimum GPA we seek is 3.5 out of 4.0.

We do not seek a Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or GMAT score



MSc Public Policy and Health


Public Policy, Health and Health Inequalities

Knowledge Exchange and Evidence in Well-being and Health Improvement

Leadership, Change Management and Decision Making in the Health System

Systems for Health Care

Quantitative Health Research Methods

Qualitative Health Research Methods


入学要求:A good second class Honours degree (typically 2:1 Honours) or international equivalent OR professional qualification or three years relevant work-based experience; and a pass in Mathematics (Grade C or above at GCSE level, or equivalent)

Applicants without a degree will be required to demonstrate sufficient academic capability to satisfactorily complete this degree.

语言要求:IELTS IELTS of at least 7.0 (with no other element below 6.0) or achieve at least 102 in the TOEFL iBT (Internet Based Test) (with no element under 23)


Healthcare Associated Infection Control MSc


Foundation Course

Healthcare Associated Infection Prevention, Control and Organisational Aspects

Antimicrobial Resistance and Stewardship

Decontamination Aspects (including Sterilisation, Disinfection, Cleaning and Engineering)


Health Economics

Legal and Regulatory Aspects

Laboratory Introduction to Basic Bacteriology

Basic Epidemiology

Surveillance & Epidemiology: Systems, Data Analysis & Statistics

Experimental Design and Research Methods in Medical Methodology*

*compulsory for MSc students

入学要求:Applicants must hold a minimum of a second-class UK Bachelor's degree in biomedical or life sciences or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. In addition, applicants must have an active professional involvement in the control of hospital infections. It is a prerequisite of the programme that all students have regular access to a personal computer and the Internet and have acquired basic skills in their use.


Health Care Ethics and Law (MSc)


The MSc consists of two compulsory courses: ‘Research Methods in Nursing and Healthcare A’ (20 credits) and ‘Professional and Personal Development’ (20 credits).


